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Leonardo BRAVO






04年の日本デビューリサイタルを皮切りに国内での活動を開始、05年ギターソロの全国ツアーで高評を博する。国内でソリストとして、またギターや他楽器とのアンサンブルで演奏を行う他、アジアを中心に北米、南米の国々でクラシックギタリスト、南米音楽のスペシャリストとして活動をする。彼の豊かな音楽性と美音は、これまでに沢山の聴衆を魅了してきた。これまでに独奏、アンサンブルのCDをリリースする他、指揮者、共演者として多くのCD制作に携わる。 2009年アメリカ合衆国マーシャル大学よりジョン・エドワード特別芸術賞を受賞。 演奏家、作曲家として国内外で数々の賞を受賞。国立ロサリオ大学芸術学部音楽学科修了。

Leonardo Bravo is a Graduate of the National University in Rosario, Argentina. He has developed an extensive career as a soloist, giving concerts and masterclasses in the Americas, Europe and Asia. His repertoire extends from classical music to Tango and Argentine folkloric music.
In 1991 he was appointed Professor at Rosario National University, until 2003 when he moved to Japan, continuing his work and as a teacher and as a performer . In February of 2008 published his composition "5 Little pieces" (Trees, Men and the river) This piece was chosen as a mandatory piece in the "International Kyushu Guitar Contest" Japan. Also was chosen as part of the mandatory repertoire of the Marshal University USA, and in 2015 was chosen by Trinity College of London to be part of their mandatory Exam books.
Also this year after a concerts and Masterclass series in U.S.A he was awarded with the "Joan C. Edward's Distinguished Professor of Fine Arts" by the Marshall University College of Fine Arts. EEUU.From 2009 he was appointed by the "Gendai Guitar" as a Professor of its "Gendai Guitar. Music Academy",Tokyo. Where besides teaching he also write articles dedicated to the Classical and Latin American Music for the "Gendai Guitar Magazine

YouTubeチャンネル: https://www.youtube.com/c/leonardobravo/videos

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